ConstructSim Planner CONNECT Edition Update 5 Help

RGB Colors

You can change an element's color by setting any of the color assignment keywords to an RGB data type. An RGB data type is specified as a triplet of integers in the range from 0 to 255. The integers represent red, green, and blue intensities, respectively. You can specify white as (255,255,255) and black as (0,0,0).


color= (R,G,B)

boundary_color = (R,G,B)

fill_color = (R,G,B)


(255,0,0) red
(0,255,0) green
(0,0,255) blue
(255,255,0) yellow
(255,0,255) magenta
(0,255,255) cyan
(200,200,200) light gray
(100,100,100) dark gray

For example, to change the color of elements in a reference file with a logical name of "border" to be light gray, you can write the following design script:

! Change the color of all elements in a
! reference file with the logical name
! "border" to a light gray shade.
if (lname eq "border") then
	 color = (200,200,200)